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Vegan Recipes: How to Substitute Eggs, Milk, and Butter in Your Meals

David Kahn |

You've spent hours planning the perfect menu to wow your guests and leave them begging you for your culinary secrets, which you will of course enjoy being coy about.

But then, disaster strikes! A guest has just called to inform you that they are…vegan. Don’t panic! There really is no need to cry into your soufflé. Veganism is not only a healthy and ethical diet, it’s damn tasty too and it doesn’t have to be rocket science either. Here are a few amazing vegan alternatives to allow you to enjoy your favourite dishes and stretch your creative culinary muscles.

But it’s Got Eggs in It!

Vegan-Egg-Replacement Vegan egg replacement for cookies / Natural Gourme Institute / CC BY

Eggs appear in almost everything, from sauces, breads, cakes, and desserts. They are used for a variety of reasons in recipes, either as the main attraction like an omelette, for leavening in baked goods, binding, or adding moisture.

They may seem like an indispensable ingredient, but for every recipe you might need an egg for, there's a vegan substitution allowing you to easily replace those required eggs with other ingredients that will do the same job, and may even take your dish to the next level.

For example, let’s take the humble brownie. They're easy to make, that’s true, but how many times have you caved to a brownie, only to be bitterly disappointed by a dry, stodgy brick? Probably far too many, but when done correctly, brownies can be the perfect guilty pleasure. It's so easy to give them a little extra oomph with a vegan twist. Just swap out those run-of-the-mill eggs and butter for the mighty avocado.


avocado sauce Avocado / Vegan Holistic

Avocado brownies are deliciously decadent, yet guilt-free. Not only do they replace the richness and moisture usually provided by the eggs and butter in the recipe, but avocados give you a few added brownie points (pun intended) in the health department since they are so rich in fibre and healthy fats. Plus, since you can’t look at a food blog or recipe site without tripping over an avocado these days, you’ll be right on trend!

Avocados are a vegan's best friend when it comes to substitution. They can also be used to replace yogurt in smoothies thanks to their creamy texture, make great salad dressings when mixed with a little lemon juice and a pinch of salt, and can also replace butter and oil in almost any baking recipe. As such a versatile ingredient with so many health benefits, it’s easy to see why they have become so popular.


mashed-banana Mashed Banana / Nutrition Secrets / CC BY

Another great replacement for eggs in baking is the banana. They bring the same moisture but with an added sweetness, making them perfect in muffins or cakes. The general rule is 1/2 to 1 mashed banana per egg.

Perhaps a more surprising alternative to eggs are seeds. Flax seeds and chia seeds are both packed full of omega-3 fatty acids and are so simple to use. Simply grind up one tablespoon of seeds in a spice grinder or pestal and mortar, with three tablespoons of water, and a pinch of baking powder. The fats in the seeds thicken to mimic the texture of a beaten egg.

Milk It

vegan-milk-subtitutes Vegan Milk Substitutes / Fine Dining Lovers / CC BY

There are so many different substitutions for milk available these days: soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, coconut-and-almond milk, cashew milk, rice milk… the list goes on. While there are plenty of options, the difficulty comes in choosing which milk to use in different recipes.

Each milk has a different fat content with different tastes and consistencies. Cashew milk, for example, is really creamy and therefore perfect for rich creamy sauces. Rice milk, on the other hand, is much thinner and has a lighter, sweeter taste and would be better suited to making soups or light sauces.

Pass the Butter

ultimate-vegan-butter Yes, it's vegan! / Soy Division / CC BY

As previously mentioned, avocados can act as substitute for butter in many baking recipes, but there are other alternatives. Margarines are often vegan but some are made with palm oil, which will pose a problem for the ethically conscious consumer. However, you can find natural plant based margarines that are both vegan and palm oil-free such as Nuttelex.

For cooking purposes, you can also use sesame or coconut oil as a butter alternative. But if you are looking for that authentic, full fat ‘real butter’ taste, and have the time or the inclination, you could also make your own vegan butter.

It might seem time-consuming when there are other options available, but it will be worth the effort, not only for the taste but for avoiding the chemicals and stabilizers often found in shop-bought margarines. Plus the self-satisfaction of making your own butter!

Chickpea Brine

veganmeringue Chickpea Vegan Meringue / The Bruges Vegan / CC BY

If you really want to leave your dinner guests equally baffled and impressed with your menu, you could give Aquafaba Lime Meringues a shot. Don’t worry if you have no idea what aquafaba is; it's not something you'll have seen on the supermarket shelf. Not exactly – however, if you have ever bought a can of chickpeas, then you will have poured it down the drain.

Yes, aquafaba is the liquid found in a can of chickpeas and it is a surprisingly great substitution for egg whites in making meringues. Don’t be put off by the oddness or the funky smell – it is totally safe to use. Just whip the liquid up as you would the egg whites with sugar and vanilla, and presto! Sweet, white peaks of egg-free, vegan meringue that's every bit as yummy as the original.

Many people think a vegan diet would be too hard or limiting. However, there are so many options available for substitution that provide not only real health benefits, but the perfect opportunity to get more creative in the kitchen.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to get that new Master Class bakeware set out of the cupboard and get started on those delicious vegan recipes.